It is no secret that with each passing year, our skin loses just a little bit more of its firmness and elasticity. As much as we fight it, we cannot control the cellular changes that occur in our skin on a daily basis or the depletion of collagen that occurs as we age. Additionally, external factors such as stress, the weather, and smoking can speed up the development of wrinkles and make them much more obvious.
At Indianapolis Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, we understand the intrinsic need to restore your skin to its original smoothness and youthful vitality. Our center offers you a solution to decrease wrinkles and take years off your appearance. Using an injectable filler called BOTOX®, Dr. Falender can fill creases and lines to make your skin appear smooth, healthy, and wrinkle free. He can also add fullness to the lips and cheeks.
What Is BOTOX®?
BOTOX® is one of the most widely known and popular cosmetic solutions to restoring the youthful appearance of skin and eliminating wrinkles. BOTOX® is a purified protein toxin that is injected into the skin to rejuvenate one’s appearance quickly, safely, and easily. BOTOX® is considered one of the easiest and most highly effective treatments for removing or reducing wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. This procedure temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles that cause wrinkles, forcing them to eventually relax. BOTOX® is injected with a tiny needle, and the procedure is performed in minutes, allowing patients to return to their lives immediately.
Many patients enjoy the benefits of BOTOX® for between 3-12 months, depending on the area being treated. Some minor pain, swelling, or bruising around the injection site may occur but are usually extremely minimal and resolve quickly.
What Can I Expect After BOTOX®?
After the operation, patients may experience slight bruising around the area; there is no reason to worry as the bruising quickly fades. Normal activities can be performed immediately. Possible side effects are the temporary weakness of nearby muscles or, in rare cases, an eyelid may droop. BOTOX® Cosmetic is completely reversible, so any side effect is only a temporary condition. The doctor will explain all risks associated at the time of your consultation.
To learn more about how we can help improve your smile, please request an appointment now.
Please contact our office by either filling out the form below or by calling us at 317-900-4535

Indianapolis Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center

Indianapolis Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center
1320 N. Post Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Main: 317-900-4535
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