Low Cost Dental Implants: Are They Worth The “Savings?”

Low Cost Dental Implants: Are They Worth The “Savings?”

Dental implants have become the standard of care when it comes to tooth replacement. And low cost dental implants Indianapolis with good reason.

As any of your friends with dental implants in Indianapolis can tell you, they look natural and they can last a lifetime with proper care and hygiene.

The question becomes, “Are low cost dental implants worth the cost?” Without the necessary research and proof it is not a question we choose to answer when it is our patients’ health, well being and beautiful smiles on the line.

On top of that, dental implants have been placed and studied extensively for several decades now. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, known as the father of modern implant dentistry, placed his first dental implant in 1965. Brånemark discovered that human bone had a tendency to regenerate around a titanium implant so closely the bone almost seemed to adhere to the metal. This, in fact, is now well established and is known as osseointegration. In simpler terms this is the bond between the dental implant and the surrounding bone.

Did You Know? A form of a dental implant has been discovered by archaeologists in a Mayan mandible. The “implant” was made of seashell and was placed about 1,350 years before modern day dental implants existed!

From the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, AAOMS: With an overall success rate of about 95% and almost 50 years of clinical research to back them up, dental implants are frequently the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth.

Dr. Lawrence Falender actually has a better success rate: 99+% over the past 25 years!.

Low Cost Dental Implants: Too Good to be True

Any medical device, such as dental implants, has to undergo a rigorous process to get approved by the FDA. Published studies proving safety and efficacy are one safeguard that has been developed to let doctors and patients know that a given device does have scientific and clinical proof behind it and that it works. Makes sense, right?

This research and development expense is part of what makes up the cost of dental implants. In addition, major dental implant companies, like Nobel Biocare, Dr. Falender’s choice, spend millions to continually improve current implant designs and bring to market new designs and materials.

Many low cost dental implant companies fail to provide this inventiveness or the support and warranties that the bigger, more established companies offer. Without the local service representatives available, like the bigger implant companies have, many dentists are left to “make do” without the proper parts should something break.

Of major concern is the lack of warranties that the some of the low cost implant companies fail to provide. Their answer to a failed implant is that since their implant is inexpensive a new one should just be purchased and re-placed. Should an implant fail, companies like Nobel Biocare replace the implant and some of the restorative parts that the dentist used.

Low Cost Implants: Not For Everybody

In recent years some new companies have popped up that have taken advantage of cheap methods of manufacturing and are producing low cost implants that are designed to be copies of the major brands.

The problem? Many times this is accomplished by creating a “one size fits all” dental implant system with limited lengths and diameters and “stock” abutments (the part that connects the implant to the implant crown or denture) as opposed to custom abutments.

If you are in need of a dental implant in the aesthetic zone (the teeth other people see when you smile) you may be very unsatisfied with the result of a dental implant procedure that uses stock parts like abutments instead of a more sophisticated one with parts that have been customized to handle many different anatomies and tooth properties. You want the result to be as natural looking as possible!

The True Cost of Low Price Dental Implants

Dr. Falender has the ability to truly replace one of your body parts (a tooth/teeth) with a replica that looks and functions like the real thing. No other medical specialty has reached this ability with a body part that is external. This ability requires skill and an adaptable set of tools that offers the flexibility to handle various unique aesthetic situations.

As a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon and a recognized leader in dental implant use in Indianapolis, Dr. Falender has spent years practicing evidence based medicine and surgery. This means that his decisions are based on proven methods, backed up by published research that has been accepted by the oral and maxillofacial surgery community. In addition, his experience and surgical skills, allows Dr. Falender to have a high rate of success and patient satisfaction.


What is the experience level of the doctor placing the implant? Dr. Falender has over 25 years experience and is a surgical specialist.
What technology and skill sets are being used when an implant is placed, especially in the replacement of a front tooth? You don’t want “pretty close” when placing an implant in the front of your mouth; you want a natural looking tooth. Dr. Falender uses an in-office CT scan, surgical guides and an established “eye” for esthetics.

Does the surgeon have experience with various bone grafting techniques, which may be necessary to provide the most natural looking smile? Dr. Falender does.

You simply won’t find a board certified oral surgeon working with a top dentist providing complete implant treatment for $1495, or $1995, the economics do not support the training and expertise necessary.

Note that some dental insurance companies may cover part of the implant cost. Dr. Falender’s office is happy to do a courtesy benefits check.

There is a lot to consider before having dental implants. Be very careful when choosing based on cost.

Learn more about how dental implants can be Truly Life Changing and download our free eBook, A Truly Life Changing Smile – Your Guide to Dental Implants.