6 Exercises to Ease TMJ Pain

If your jaw often clicks, locks or hurts when you open and close your mouth, or you have unexplained aches in your head, neck or ears, you might have a TMJ disorder. The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints that connect your lower jaw to your upper jaw. Strain or injuries to these joints…

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Why Wisdom Teeth Are So Troublesome

Having Wisdom Teeth Issues? Wisdom tooth/teeth (3rd Molars or 8s as they are known in dental terminology) grow at the back of your gums in the back of your mouth, they are the last teeth to come through between the ages of 17-25 and for most of us we will have four wisdom teeth – one in each quadrant. As wisdom…

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Jaw Joint (TMJ) Disorder Can Cause Problems Day And Night!

During sleep, we’re unaware of what is going on physically since, well, we’re asleep! We assume our bodies are relaxed and at rest, inside and out. Although our muscles are at a state of rest and our internal systems are under less demand than when we’re awake, certain functions are actually operating at a busier…

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