How to Know When to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed in Indianapolis

How to Know When to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed in Indianapolis

Wisdom teeth are a common source of dental problems. While they do develop correctly inwisdom teeth removal indianapolis some people, for many others they are very problematic. If your dentist has determined that yours need to be removed, having it done as soon as possible is wise. However, it’s important to consider recovery time as you decide when to get your wisdom teeth removed.

While it is a fairly routine procedure, you will need time to rest and take care of yourself afterwards, so be sure to schedule your procedure with that in mind. Wisdom teeth, which are your third set of molars, typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, though they can require removal as early as age 12. Sometimes, there isn’t enough room in the jaw for them to develop properly, a situation that can cause them to come in at odd angles, become impacted or fail to erupt completely, leaving part of the tooth below the gum line. This can cause a variety of problems, including inflammation, infection, cysts or damage to adjacent teeth.

Since troublesome wisdom teeth are a common problem, it is very important to get regular dental care throughout the period in which they typically erupt, ensuring that your dentist can keep a close eye on their development. If they need to be removed, earlier is better, since removal is less traumatic if done before the roots have fully developed.

When to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

If your dentist has seen signs of trouble with your wisdom teeth and has recommended removal, it is best to schedule your procedure at a time when other obligations are least likely to interfere with recovery. Keep in mind that you may have swelling, discomfort and pain for a few days, and there will be post-surgery restrictions. You’ll need to rest the first day after surgery and avoid strenuous activity for a week or so to prevent dislodging the blood clots from the sockets, and you’ll be limited to soft foods while healing is underway.

When planning when to get your wisdom teeth removed, it is important to discuss the extraction details with your oral surgeon, since recovery times vary according to individual circumstances. For instance, a severely impacted tooth will be more difficult to extract than one that has erupted at a bad angle. Recovery after the more difficult extraction may take a week to 14 days, whereas the person having the simple extraction may be back to normal after a few days. Complications, although they are fairly rare, are an issue to consider as well, since they can make recovery a longer process than expected. You can minimize your risk of infection and other complications by following aftercare instructions carefully.

Best Time for Wisdom Tooth Removal

If you are a student, the question of when to get your wisdom teeth removed is fairly easy to answer. Summer vacation or a long holiday break is best, giving plenty of time for rest and recovery. If you are working, try to schedule wisdom teeth removal during a slower period when taking time off won’t be a problem. If you get a week or two of paid vacation time, handling your wisdom teeth during that time may be your best bet to avoid conflicts that can interfere with proper recovery. You’ll heal more quickly and reduce your risk of complications if you make sure you have plenty of stress-free time to take care of yourself.

Learn how to avoid more serious wisdom tooth problems by downloading our free eBook. Click on the button below for your copy.